Maréchal ex-technor électrical plugs and sockets

Maréchal ex-technor électrical plugs and sockets

  • Food & Beverage Industry
  • Water & Waste Water Treatment
  • Chemical Industries & Refineries
  • Heavy Industries
  • Construction Industries
  • Energy, Mines & Quarries
  • Entertainment & Media
  • Ports, Marinas, Shipyards, Vessel
  • Transportation & Tunnel Applications
  • Airports
  • Marine, Offshore, Oil & Gas Industries


Comprehensive coverage of all power supplies and industrial needs from 16A to 250A

  • Extensive offer of current ratings
  • Waterproof electrical connectors IP66/IP67
  • AC-22 AND AC-23 breaking capacity
  • GRP or metal casing (up to IK09)
  • Simple connection
  • Long life.

  • All industries, electrical compliance
  • Food industry
  • Motors, conveyors, packaging chains, cutting tools, connection boxes, …
  • Construction / infrastructures
  • Water Treatment Electrical plugs and socket-outlets for electric generator sets, motors, machines, distribution boxes, pumps, electric cabinets, etc.
  • Metal- and steelworks
  • Quarries: electrical connection for conveyors, cranes, motors, networks, cutting machines, crushing, etc.
  • Tunnels and roads Single mounting or on lighting tap-off boxes
  • Lighting appliances, small motors, speed displays
  • Star-delta start-up, connecting motors with two operating speeds.



With sizes from 20 to 63 A, DSN decontactors are highly compact: a 63 A plug is only 83 mm in diameter. Once connected, the plug and socket is automatically IP66/IP67, the socket-outlet is also IP66/IP67 when the lid is closed.

  • DSN1 : 500V, 20A,  AC-22-AC-23, GRP, IK08, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP66/IP67
  • DSN3 : 690V, 32A,  AC-22-AC-23, GRP, IK08, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP66/IP67
  • DSN6 : 1000V, 63A,  AC-22-AC-23, GRP, IK08, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP66/IP67



The DS family of decontactors offer ratings from 30 to 250 A (ratings specified by IEC 60309-1). Both sockets and inlets are available in metal version from 90 A rating.

  • DS1 : 690V, 30A,  AC-22-AC-23, GRP, IK08, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP54/IP55
  • DS3 : 1000V, 50A,  AC-22-AC-23, GRP, IK08, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP54/IP55
  • DS6 : 1000V, 90A,  AC-22-AC-23, GRP, IK08/IK09, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP54/IP55
  • DS9 : 1000V, 150A,  AC-22-AC-23, GRP, IK08, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP66/IP67
  • DS9 : 1000V, 150A,  AC-22-AC-23, Metal Casing, IK09, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP54/IP55
  • DS2 : 1000V, 250A,  AC-22-AC-23, Metal Casing, IK09, -40 to 60 Degree C, IP54/IP55



The DN family of decontactors cover ratings from 30 to 150 A (ratings specified by IEC 60309-1). DN decontactors offer safety and reliability in heavy duty environments. The metal casings and accessories are anticorrosion treated.

Main features
Voltage Amps Casing Temperature
DN8 500 V max 20 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DN1 500 V max 30 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DN3 500 V max 50 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DN6 500 V max 90 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DN9 440 V max 150 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55



DB disconnectable motor switches combine the functions of switch-engine cutoff switch and plug and socket-outlet. They guarantee the safety of persons during an operation on the load (motor load or highly inductive).

DB3 690 V max 40 A / 7,5 kW AC-3 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DB6 690 V max 75 A / 22 kW AC-3 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DB9 690 V max 125 A / 45 kW AC-3 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67



When a motor starts, the short-time overload generated is many times greater than the nominal current. While this overload should not affect properly designed motors, it could be damaging to most connectors.

Thanks to its silver-nickel butt-contact technology, the decontactor withstands these high and repeated overloads without over-heating or change in its performance. The decontactor is thus ideally suited for motor connections, even for motors that have to start frequently.

DN9C 415 V max 30 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DSN7C3 500 V max 32 A AC-22 GRP IK08 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DS7C3 500 V max 50 A AC-22 GRP Metal casing IK08 IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DN7C6 415 V max 90 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DS7C9 500 V max 150 A AC-22 Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55


Reliable solution upto 700A and compatible for most extreme environment.

  • Electrical connections from 75 to 700 A
  • Waterproof electrical sockets IP66/IP67
  • Power outlets resistant to shocks
  • GRP or metal casing.

  • All industries electrical compliance
  • Automotive industries
  • Power generation
  • Quarries
  • Tunneling
  • Ports
  • Electrical connections for electric generator sets, port cranes and berthed ships, electric cabinets, test beds, etc.
  • Emergency vehicles or fire engines
  • Battery connection, power lift trucks, start-up leads, …
  • Mounting of connectors on travelling bridges, welding stations, loading racks …



Big equipment and gensets power supply: in quarries, tunnel boring machines, port cranes, mining equipment…

PFQ3 690 V max 315 A 6 Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
PFQ4 690 V max 400 A 6 Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
PFC4 1000V max 400 A 2 Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
PFC5 1000V max 500 A 2 Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
PFC6 1000V max 600 A 2 Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67

The DS4 socket-outlets offer a compact solution for connections up to 400 A / 1000 V. The silver butt-contact system offers perfect current conductivity. The robust metal enclosure ensures a safe and reliable operation, even under harsh conditions. The DS4 is equipped, in standard version, with an easy inlet closing device made of stainless steel.
The DS4 socket outlets are especially suitable for the following applications: connection of drilling equipments and tunnel boring machines, cranes (e.g. in harbours), generators, quarries, large switchracks and switchboards…

DS4 1000 V max 400 A 2 Metal IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54



The single pole power connectors CS1000 and SP have been designed to ensure a perfect safety and prevent disconnection by accident. Aimed at all industries, the connection is easy and provides high performances tested and complying with standards.

CS1000 1000 V max 400 A IK08 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
SP 1000 V max 700 A IK08 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67



Bayonet contact system
Self-cleaning contacts
16 to 150 mm² conductors.

CS Very low voltage 50 V max 75 to 500 A


Electrical safety in hazardous area: Mounting an Ex power outlet or box MARECHAL® ensures electrical compliance and safety for users. It also promotes long-life cycle of equipment. The connection of these certified outlets is easy and doesn’t require any special electrical skills.





  • Applications

    • Chemical, petrochemical
    • Pharmaceutical industry
    • Food industry
    • Ex lights networks, Ex plug networks, extension leads.
    • Lifeboats operating from off-shore oil rigs.
    • Mobile containers, cranes or any portable equipment.
    • Electrical boats or truck hook-ups.
    • Petrol industry and research.
    • Power generation.
    • Signal and control.
    • Ex tooling network.

  • Compliance with standards and directives
  • Automatic watertightness
  • Electrical plugs with integrated breaking capacity
  • Impact resistance and insensitive to thermal shocks.

DXN decontactors are designed for hazardous areas, with ‘de’ protection mode. They
comply with the ATEX 2014/34/EU Directive. They can be used in zones 1 & 2 (Gas) and zones 21 & 22 (Dust). They are certified according to IECEx standards.

DXN1 II2 G D Ex de IIC Gb 550 V max 20 A Poly casing IK08 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DXN3 II2 G D Ex de IIC Gb 750 V max 32 A Poly casing IK08 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DXN6 II2 G D Ex de IIC Gb 750 V max 63 A Poly casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67

The DXN1 is available in ejection. Thank you to consult us to define your current, voltage, polarity and assembly needs.


MARECHAL ELECTRIC launches a new waterproof plug and socket-outlet IP66/IP67 with ‘de’ protection mode (ATEX). They can be used in zones 1 & 2 (Gas) and zones 21 & 22 (Dust). They are certified according to IECEx standards.

  • Intensity 20 A
  • IP66/IP67 water- and dust-tight
  • Metal casings with IK10 shock resistance
  • Integrated load-break switch
  • Locking in on/off positions by keying axis
  • From -55 °C to + 60 °C.
DXA1 Ex II2 G D Ex de IIC, Ex tb IIIC 550 V max 20 A Metal IK10 -55°C +60°C IP66/IP67

DX decontactors are designed for hazardous areas, with ‘de’ protection mode. They comply with the ATEX 2014/34/EU Directive. They can be used in zones 1 & 2 (Gas) and zones 21 & 22 (Dust). They are certified according to IECEx standards.

DX1 II2 G D Ex de IIC 750 V max 20 A Metal casing IK10 -25°C +60°C IP65
DX3 II2 G D Ex de IIC 750 V max 32 A Metal casing IK10 -25°C +60°C IP65
DX6 II2 G D Ex de IIC 750 V max 63 A Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP65/IP66
DX9 II2 G D Ex de IIC 750 V max 125 A Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP65/IP66
DX2 II2 G D Ex de IIC 750 V max 200 A Metal casing IK10 -40°C +60°C IP65/IP66

The PNCX is a compact and rugged connector designed for all types of aggressive environments (humidity, corrosion, pollution) found in many industrial hazardous areas. The 5 contacts connection can meet all needs and applications such as lighting. The PNCX connector is both quickly assembled and put into service. Its locking ring resists vibration thus preventing accidental disconnection of the plug on load. MARECHAL®’s technically advanced silver-nickel butt contact system assures next level performance no matter the conditions. The PNCX guarantees a long-lasting and electrically efficient connection for your industry.

  • Electrical connector 5 contacts for harsh environments and hazardous areas (Ex): can be used in zones 1 & 2 (gas) and 21 & 22 (dust)
  • IP66/IP67 watertight, IP68 tested at 10 meters deep for 15 days (please contact us for references), IP69K 100bar (1450 PSI) 80°C.
  • II 2 G D Ex e IIC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T72 °C Db.


Watertight multi-contact connectors IP65/IP66 with increased safety «e» for hazardous areas (ATEX

PXN12C II2 G D Ex e ia O ib IIC 220 V max 10 A Metal casing IK09 -40°C +55°C IP65/IP66
DXN25C II2 G D Ex e ia O ib IIC 440 V max 10 A Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DXN37C II2 G D Ex e ia O ib IIC 230 V max 10 A Metal casing IK09 -40°C +55°C IP66/IP67

The single pole power connectors SPeX has been designed to ensure a perfect safety and prevent disconnection by accident. An aimed at all harsh environment, the connection is easy and provides high performances tested and complying with standards.

  • Electromechanical locking system
  • Mechanical and visual keying.
SPeX II2 G D Ex e IIC 1000 V a.c. max 680 A IK09 -20°C +60°C* IP65/IP66


Equipped with 20 to 63 A decontactors and/or 10 A multicontact connectors, these reinforced polyester resin fiberglass and graphite loaded socket-outlet combination boxes are designed for making electrical connections in hazardous areas, offering from 12 to 37 contacts. They provide increased safety and intrinsic safety, allowing them to be used in zones 1 & 2 (gas), 21 & 22 (dust). This comprehensive range is also ideal for wet environments – such as food and beverage or chemical industries – thanks to their corrosion resistance. It is possible to mount both socket-outlets and multicontact connectors on the same box, with some models able to accommodate up to 24 socket-outlets or connectors.

  • IP66 Water- and dust-tight
  • Up to 24 socket-outlets
  • Assembly of multi-contact connectors and socket-outlets on the same enclosure.
  • II2 G D Ex e ia OR ib IIC


These junction boxes are designed with reinforced polyester resin with fibreglass and graphite loaded, and are designed for making electrical connections in hazardous areas. They provide increased safety and intrinsic safety, allowing them to be used in zones 1 & 2 (gas), 21 & 22 (dust). This comprehensive range is also ideal for wet environments – such as food and beverage or chemical industries – thanks to their corrosion resistance.

  • IP66 Water- and dust-tight
  • Up to 402 terminals Exe from 1,5 mm² to 240 mm²
  • Glass reinforced, graphite-filled polyester resin enclosures
  • II2 G D Ex e ia OR ib IIC.


Connectors for transmission of data with optimal conductivity.



Mounting of electrical multicontact connectors MARECHAL® combines power and transmission of information and low-level signals. Conductivity and high durability are guaranteed thanks to the design and materials of sockets: silver-nickel butt contacts.

Main advantages of multipin connectors:

  • From 5 to 37 contacts
  • Electrical connectors from 5 A to 30 A
  • GRP and metal versions
PN7C 500 V max 16/25 A GRP Metal casing IK08 IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DN9C 415 V max 30 A Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
PN12C 480 V 16 A GRP Metal casing IK08 IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DN20C 415 V max 25 A Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP54/IP55
DSN24C 480 V max 16 A GRP IK08 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DSN37C 480 V max 16 A GRP IK08 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67
DS37C 480 V max 16 A Metal casing IK09 -40°C +60°C IP66/IP67


Excellent connection quality in high temperature environment.  Suitable for heavy industry, these power or signal&control connectors ensure excellent electrical connection when the ambient temperature is high. Installing high temperature plugs also guarantees the power continuity, robustness and corrosion resistance.

PNHT 500 V max 30 A Metal casing IK09 185°C/240°C IP44
DSHT 690 V max 90 A Metal casing IK09 240°C/400°C (2h) IP66


Cable glands and fittings

Cable glands and fittings

Ex-d/e Cable Glands
Single seal, double seals cable glands, suitable for unarmored and armored cables. Nickel-chrome plated brass, stainless steel and aluminum made, hexagon shape, anti-ageing EPDM oil resistant gaskets. These cable glands are used in classified Area Zone 1 & 2 and Zone 21 & 22.

  • PNS Series: Single seal – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PND Series: Double seal – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PBS Series: Single seal – Lead sheath – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PBD Series: Double seal – Lead sheath – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PMS Series: Single seal – Barrier type – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L
  • PSM Series: Single seal – Male-Male – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PMD Series: Double seal – Barrier type – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L
  • PSF Series: Single seal – Male-Female – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • UN Series : Single seal – Polyamide.

  • PDB Series: Double seal – Lead sheath – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PNA Series: Single seal – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PAP Series: Double seal – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PSB Series: Single seal – Lead sheath – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PBAX Series: Single seal – Barrier type – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • PABAX Series: Double seal – Barrier type – Nickel brass or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
  • Accessories.

Flame proof pressurised cabin

Flame proof pressurised cabin

Modular building system allows to realize customized volume up to 10m3.  One of the system that offers the widest possibilities on the market. A single system of pressurization and washing can manage multiple modules in series. New gasket technology minimizes the dispersion of inactive gas, increasing efficiency of pressurized system and reduce operating costs.
QPREX pressurized panels, because of the continuous influx of purging gas, prevents the build up of heat and moisture and provide a greater life cycle of the equipment.

QPREX series: pressurized cabinet IP65. AISI316L, INOX 304 or painted sendzimir steel.

Ex-d IIB, IIB+H2 and IIC Enclosure

Ex-d IIB, IIB+H2 and IIC Enclosure

Large range of enclosures manufactured in Copper free aluminium, Cast Iron or Stainless steel. Ideal for instrument housing, control, check, connection, automation, interruption and/or protection use. They can be equipped with pushbuttons, pilot lamps and selector switches. Enclosures can be customized project by project to get control panel, lighting distribution boards, heat tracing distribution boards, motor starters, as well as, assembled together, or mounted on a self-supporting frame, generate switch-rack for onshore and offshore applications.


Explosion group IIB + H2:

EJB Series: enclosure for control, check, connection, automation, interruption, copper free aluminium.
EJB Series: Stainless steel AISI 316L.
EJB Series: Galvanized carbon steel.
Explosion group IIC:

GUB Series: Copper free aluminium or Stainless steel AISI 316L.
GUB-QL Series: enclosure for control and check, Copper free aluminium.
GUB/EMH Series with window – Copper free aluminium.
CPS/EMH Series with window – Copper free aluminium.